DeadBeatzPubkonzert - Bluespunk
Bei den Pub Konzerten ist der Eintritt frei. Der Hut geht rum…
too blues to be punk
too punk to be blues
Two musicians, three instruments, zero guitars: The DeadBeatz are the most compressedblues-punk band in the world, with the energy of two V8 engines!
Not only do the two Austrians do without a guitarist. They have also opted for the anything but ordinary combination of harmonica, double bass and drums. Thereby David Karlinger operates the gunpowder mainly with his feet, while he is busy on the harp. Bernie Miller is responsible for bass and lead vocals. The result is a straightforward groovy mix of blues, punk and a pinch of rockabilly.
While they’ve made every crowd dance live so far, the rockers focused on producing a new album during the pandemic. „Meet Us At Dawn“ is the name of the new long player, on the punk rock label SBÄM Records. Meet Us At Dawn will be in bright red and blue not only visually an eye-catcher: David and Bernie worked with various producers and songwriters to exploit the full range of their sound. Thus, the quiet blues number „Oh Evening“ stands in stark contrast to songs like the stompy rock n roll song „Cold Nose Bleeds“.DeadBeatz, that’s two of a kind and it’s pretty powerful – hopefully they’ll soon be back on your bikes to race onto the stages of this world!
Live they are a hell of a band on stage and for your home entertainment this and the previous 45’ are perfect to beat your next doors neighbour out of bed. Don’t take them too serious… this band is pure fun…with a bIG beat!!!
Die beiden „Blues-Brüder“ aus der Alpenrepublik. Das muss man sich vorstellen. Einer, David, tritt die Bassdrum und fiedelt auf der Mundharmonika, während der andere, Bernie, den Kontrabass zupft und dazu singt! Was vermisst man denn da? Ein Keyboard? Nö. Eine Gitarre? Warum? Die Mundharmonika ersetzt die Gitarrenriffs perfekt.
Markus Franz, OX Magazine